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Friday, December 7, 2012

What's in it for you?

what's in a coffee breakA Carrot, an Egg and a Cup of Coffee…
By Anonymous

"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? 

Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? – It’s definitely something worth thinking about…"

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me, what do you see?”

“Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee.

The daughter smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, “What does it mean, mother?”

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity … boiling water. Each reacted differently.

The CARROT went in STRONG, HARD, UNRELENTING. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it SOFTENED and became WEAK.

The EGG had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its LIQUID INTERIOR, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The GROUND COFFEE BEANS were UNIQUE, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed…THE WATER.

“Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

"I personally think that we are so alike in the image of God and yet so different from each other…this is one of the wonders of God….How many people now in the Philippines? How much more in the whole world? Each of us will react differently to any situations thrown upon us…but the good thing is if you have Jesus Christ in your life …however you respond to anything, He will make a way so that the same reaction will do you Good…You have to claim this one if we are son’s and daughters of God…and we will be able to do so if we walk in His RIGHTEOUSNESS…




Shared by : Yoanne Maqui ( Guest Blogger)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What It Takes To Achieve Your Goal

AIM Creates Wealth and Success

If You Are Truly Committed To Success and Will Do What It Takes To Achieve Your Goal, 

We Would Love To Help You Discover YOUR Potential.

We Promote A Fantastic GLOBAL COMPANY With An In-Demand Product.

"Success is not counted by how high you've climbed,

but by how many people you brought with you"


Tuesday, November 6, 2012




Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are unable to conceive, and account for 30% of women's infertility.  Fortunately, approximately 70% of these cases can be successfully treated by the use of drugs such as Clomiphene and Menogan/Repronex. The causes of failed ovulation can be categorized as follows:


Contributed by: R3

Causes of Failure to Ovulate

Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are unable to conceive, and account for 30% of women's infertility.  Fortunately, approximately 70% of these cases can be successfully treated by the use of drugs such as Clomiphene and Menogan/Repronex. The causes of failed ovulation can be categorized as follows:

(1) Hormonal Problems 
 These are the most common causes of anovulation.  The process of ovulation depends upon a complex balance of  hormones and their interactions to be successful, and any disruption in this process can hinder ovulation.  There are three main sources causing this problem:
  • Failure to produce mature eggs

  • In approximately 50% of the cases of anovulation, the ovaries do not produce normal follicles inwhich the eggs can mature.  Ovulation is rare if the eggs are immature and the chance of fertilization becomes almost nonexistent.  Polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common disorder responsible for this problem, includes symptoms such as amenorrhoea, hirsutism, anovulation and infertility.  This syndrome is characterized by a reduced production of FSH, and normal or increased levels of LH, oestrogen and testosterone.  The current hypothesis is that the suppression of FSH associated with this condition causes only partial development of ovarian follicles, and follicular cysts can be detected in an ultrasound scan.  The affected ovary often becomes surrounded with a smooth white capsule and is double its normal size.  The increased level of oestrogen raises the risk of breast cancer.
  • Malfunction of the hypothalamus

  • The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain responsible for sending signals to the pituitary gland, which, in turn, sends hormonal stimuli to the ovaries in the form of FSH and LH to initiate egg maturation.  If the hypothalamus fails to trigger and control this process, immature eggs will result.  This is the cause of ovarian failure in 20% of cases.
  • Malfunction of the pituitary gland

  • The pituitary's responsibility lies in producing and secreting FSH and LH.  The ovaries will be unable to ovulate properly if either too much or too little of these substances is produced.  This can occur due to physical injury, a tumor or if there is a chemical imbalance in the pituitary.

(2) Scarred Ovaries

      Physical damage to the ovaries may result in failed ovulation. For example, extensive, invasive, or multiple surgeries, for repeated ovarian cysts may cause the capsule of the ovary to become damaged or scarred, such that follicles cannot mature properly and ovulation does not occur.  Infection may also have this impact. 

(3) Premature Menopause 

      This presents a rare and as of yet unexplainable cause of anovulation.  Some women cease menstruation and begin menopause before normal age.  It is hypothesized that their natural supply of eggs has been depleted or that the majority of  cases occur in extremely athletic women with a long history of low body weight and extensive exercise.  There is also a genetic possibility for this condition.

(4) Follicle Problems 

     Although currently unexplained, "unruptured follicle syndrome" occurs in women who produce a normal follicle, with an egg inside of it, every month yet the follicle fails to rupture.  The egg, therefore, remains inside the ovary and proper ovulation does not occur.

Causes of Poorly Functioning Fallopian Tubes

Tubal disease affects approximately 25% of infertile couples and varies widely, ranging from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage.  Treatment for tubal disease is most commonly surgery and, owing to the advances in microsurgery and lasers, success rates (defined as the number of women who become pregnant within one year of surgery) are as high as 30% overall, with certain procedures having success rates up to 65%.  The main causes of tubal damage include:

(1) Infection 

     Caused by both bacteria and viruses and usually transmitted sexually, these infections commonly cause inflammation resulting in scarring and damage.  A specific example is Hydrosalpnix, a condition in which the fallopian tube is occluded at  both ends and fluid collects in the tube.

(2) Abdominal Diseases 
      The most common of these are appendicitis and colitis, causing inflammation of the abdominal cavity which can affect the fallopian tubes and lead to scarring and blockage.

(3) Previous Surgeries 
     This is an important cause of tubal disease and damage.  Pelvic or abdominal surgery can result in adhesions that alter the tubes in such a way that eggs cannot travel through them.

(4) Ectopic Pregnancy 
      This is a pregnancy that occurs in the tube itself and, even if carefully and successfully overcome, may cause tubal damage and is a potentially life-threatening condition.

(5) Congenital Defects 
      In rare cases, women may be born with tubal abnormalities, usually associated with uterus irregularities.


Approximately 10% of infertile couples are affected by endometriosis.  Endometriosis affects five million US women, 6-7% of all females.  In fact, 30-40% of patients with endometriosis are infertile.  This is two to three times the rate of infertility in the general population.  

For women with endometriosis, the monthly fecundity (chance of getting pregnant) diminishes by 12 to 36%.  This condition is characterized by excessive growth of the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.  Growth occurs not only in the uterus but also elsewhere in the abdomen, such as in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the pelvic peritoneum.  

A positive diagnosis can only be made by diagnostic laparoscopy, a test that allows the physician to view the uterus, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity directly.  The symptoms often associated with endometriosis include heavy, painful and long menstrual periods, urinary urgency, rectal bleeding and premenstrual spotting.  

Sometimes, however, there are no symptoms at all, owing to the fact that there is no correlation between the extent of the disease and the severity of the symptoms.  The long term cumulative pregnancy rates are normal in patients with minimal endometriosis and normal anatomy.  

Current studies demonstrate that pregnancy rates are not improved by treating minimal endometriosis.

Additional Factors

(1) Other variables that may cause infertility in women:
  •   At least 10% of all cases of female infertility are caused by an abnormal uterus.  Conditions such as fibroid, polyps, and adenomyosis may lead to obstruction of the uterus and Fallopian tubes. 
  •   Congenital abnormalities, such as septate uterus, may lead to recurrent miscarriages or the inability to conceive. 
  •   Approximately 3% of couples face infertility due to problems with the femaleís cervical mucus.  The mucus needs to be of a certain consistency and available in adequate amounts for sperm to swim easily within it.  The most common  reason for abnormal cervical mucus is a hormone imbalance, namely too little estrogen or too much progesterone.
(2)  Behavioral Factors: 

       It is well-known that certain personal habits and lifestyle factors impact health; many of these same factors may limit a couple's ability to conceive.  Fortunately, however, many of these variables can be regulated to increase not only the chances of conceiving but also one's overall health.
  • Diet and Exercise

  • Optimal reproductive functioning requires both proper diet and appropriate levels of exercise.  Women who are significantly overweight or underweight may have difficulty becoming pregnant.
  • Smoking

  • Cigarette smoking has been shown to lower sperm counts in men and increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low-birth-weight babies for women.  Smoking by either partner reduces the chance of conceiving with each cycle, either naturally or by IVF, by one-third.
  • Alcohol

  • Alcohol intake greatly increases the risk of birth defects for women and, if in high enough levels in the motherís blood, may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Alcohol also affects sperm counts in men.
  • Drugs

  • Drugs, such as marijuana and anabolic steroids, may impact sperm counts in men.  Cocaine use in pregnant women may cause severe retardations and kidney problems in the baby and is perhaps the worst possible drug to abuse while pregnant. Recreational drug use should be avoided, both when trying to conceive and when pregnant.

(3)  Environmental and Occupational Factors: 

       The ability to conceive may be affected by exposure to various toxins or chemicals in the workplace or the surrounding environment.  Substances that can cause mutations, birth defects, abortions, infertility or sterility are called reproductive toxins.  Disorders of infertility, reproduction, spontaneous abortion, and teratogenesis are among the top ten work-related diseases and injuries in the U.S. today.  Despite the fact that considerable controversy exists regarding the impacts of  toxins on fertility, four chemicals are now being regulated based on their documented infringements on conception.

  • Lead

  • Exposure to lead sources has been proven to negatively impact fertility in humans.  Lead can produce teratospermias (abnormal sperm) and is thought to be an abortifacient, or substance that causes artificial abortion.
  • Medical Treatments and Materials

  • Repeated exposure to radiation, ranging from simple x-rays to chemotherapy, has been shown to alter sperm production, as well as contribute to a wide array of ovarian problems.
  • Ethylene Oxide

  • A chemical used both in the sterilization of surgical instruments and in the manufacturing of certain pesticides, ethylene oxide may cause birth defects in early pregnancy and has the potential to provoke early miscarriage.
  • Dibromochloropropane (DBCP)

  • Handling the chemicals found in pesticides, such as DBCP, can cause ovarian problems, leading to a variety of health conditions, like early menopause, that may directly impact fertility.

DON'T let these worries you, there are lot's of  natura-ceuticals products available for anyone having this. And one of the most highly recommended by expert is C24/7 by Nature's Way 

Don't let infertility ruins your relationships and future family.. try this tested product now..

Sunday, November 4, 2012


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Aim Global Marketing Plan - Power Point Presentation

These power point presentation will give you an overview on the Marketing Plan of Aim Global. We provided you these as a tools in making a presentation to the customers or clients in an online environment  whether you are in skype video call or in a G+ hangout video call, both of you can see the presentation and click the slides at the same time in real time.

Aim Global Marketing Plan Presentation

If you are  a new customer who happens to just surf by and get the interest in looking at this presentation, you can connect to our site administrator so that she can help you or just leave a message below and we will get back to you the soonest as possible. You can also get in touch with us in our community page in facebook at :  


Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Cost Of Network Marketing Skills Is Zero

Contributed By: Resty Rejano Rosales
Do you believe in magic tricks, magic secrets, auto pilot income, lead generation magic and many other sales pitch in the world wide web share by the so called gurus and self-proclaimed expert?

I have done all the searching and trying this so-called magic money making system, but it sucks. One time I have come upon a video of a good man who shares his ideas and his expertise for FREE.

Yes, it's a big YES, people. He will be teaching and sharing you with the techniques word for word on how to sponsor prospects and it works for me.

I've been very grateful to him when I stumble upon his website , and it gives me a lot of hope in my networking business.

This great man is MARK JANUSZEWSKI, he is the World's Laziest Networker and he has build a multi-million dollar business working 16 hours a week. Listen to him and learn his teachings and find it out for yourself.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Illustration of colorectal cancer stages


What exactly is colon cleansing? Simply put, it is the process of cleaning the intestinal tract and the colon for removing the toxins. Some of the methods used for the colon cleansing are injecting water, dietary supplement, laxatives, and herbs. People resort to colon cleansing mainly because any accumulation of the toxins in the intestinal tract will lead to various diseases.

Photo of colon compositeBeginning of colon cleansing: It is believed that the ancient Egyptians thought that the toxins accumulated in the intestine and started causing fever and pus. Their theory was further supported by the microbiological studies conducted in the 19th century. In the course of time, scientists came up with the suggestions that since the body cannot fully remove the wastes and toxins on its own, colon cleansing was advised.
Photo of sessile polyp on colon lining

Colorectal Cancer: How It Starts

Colorectal cancers often begin as polyps – benign growths on the interior surface of the colon. The two most common types of intestinal polyps are adenomas and hyperplastic polyps. They develop when there are errors in the way cells grow and repair the lining of the colon. Most polyps remain benign, but some have the potential to turn cancerous. Removing them early prevents colorectal cancer.

Colon cancer removal surgeryWhen it is advised and symptoms: Colon cleansing is done prior to any surgery, procedures, or colonoscopy. A regimen of liquid is administered on the previous day to the surgery, thus the colon and the intestinal tract is cleaned of any accumulation. The toxins can cause weight gain, headache, fatigue and low energy levels.

How is it done: Colon cleansing can be done in two methods, one by using oral supplements and the other by getting it done with the help of a physician. The oral supplements can be purchased in pharmacies, health food stores or independent health distributors and the list of supplements include herbal supplements, laxatives, herbal teas, enemas, and anti-parasite capsules.

Photo of colon cancer cells
Colon irrigation: Colon irrigation is better than enema in that it does not give any discomfort to the person. Plenty of water is pushed into the colon and the remains are pushed out. The physician may also use probiotics which have beneficial bacteria in them.

Benefits of colon cleansing: Since toxins are removed in the process of colon cleansing, the advantages are manifold. The person who undergoes this will get a better mental outlook, lose unwanted weight, and improved immune system, and he also has less risk of colon cancer.

Is colon cleansing necessary: There are also arguments that the natural bacteria present in the colon helps in removing the toxins and the liver also helps in neutralizing them. It is said that the colon with the help of the mucus membranes, prevents any unwanted toxins from entering the blood or tissues. Since the old cells of the colon are removed very often, the chances of harmful bacteria adhering to the colon walls are very remote. It is also argued that the body absorbs most of the calories even before they reach the intestinal tract and so weight loss cannot be attributed to this reason.

Side effects: Colon cleansing does have some side effects which include nausea, vomiting, and cramps. The person may also feel dizzy and dehydrated. There are also chances of infection in the area. If a person has Crohn’s disease, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, or any bowel surgery has been performed on him. Persons with heart or kidney diseases also should not undergo colon cleansing.

A person making a salad.Achieving colon health: The food you take has the maximum impact on the health of the colon. It will reduce the risk of colon cancer greatly and boost the general health. Diet with more fiber will reduce colon problems such as constipation, and diverticulitis. Intake of more cereals, whole grains, and fiber which are present in fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal, apart from lot of fluids will enhance the health of colon. Tobacco and red meat should be reduced. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

5 Surprising Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast CancerProvided By:




You've been told all your life to be on the alert for breast lumps, the primary sign of breast cancer. But a lump isn't always the first sign of malignancy, or it may not be the first change a woman notices, says Andrew Putnam, director of the Palliative Care Program at Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and Georgetown University. "Sometimes a lump is deep in the breast tissue, or the tissue surrounding it is very dense, making it hard to feel," says Putnam. And inflammatory breast cancer causes another set of symptoms entirely. "So it's important to be on the alert for other red flags as well."

Any one of these five lesser-known symptoms of breast cancer is important enough to send you straight to the doctor for a checkup, followed by a mammogram or MRI if recommended.

1. Itchy, sore, or reddened breasts

Skin that feels rashy or hot to the touch is one of the telltale signs of inflammatory breast cancer, a rare form of the disease that's less well known than the more common breast tumors. Inflammatory breast cancer may cause breasts to become swollen and irritated or sore. The skin may be unusually red or scaly, or you may notice purplish areas that look like bruising. Dimpled or "orange peel" skin is characteristic in some cases of inflammatory breast cancer. "It looked like I suddenly had cellulite on my breasts," is how one woman described this sudden change in skin texture, which may be bumpy or indented.

At first, the achy feeling may mimic the soreness typical of PMS, or the redness and itchiness might suggest an allergic skin reaction. But you'll know that's not it if it doesn't go away after a few days.

Why it happens: In inflammatory breast cancer, which makes up just 3 percent of all breast cancer cases, fast-growing cancer cells block blood vessels that feed the skin. Because red, itchy, hot skin is typical of inflammatory breast cancer, it's often mistaken for mastitis or infection of the milk ducts around the nipple.

2. Upper back pain

Although it's not well known, spine specialists routinely look for the presence of tumors, because some women experience back pain before any other sign of breast cancer. The pain, which is typically in the upper back between the shoulder blades, is easily confused with sore muscles, a pulled tendon or ligament, or osteoarthritis of the spine.

Why it happens: Most breast tumors develop in the glandular tissue of the breast, which extends deep into the chest, close to the chest wall. If tumor growth pushes backward toward the ribs and spine, the resulting pain may be felt in the back rather than in the breast. Breast cancer also tends to metastasize or spread to the spine or ribs, becoming secondary bone cancer.

7 Surprising Reasons You Wake Up Tired

3. Nipple changes

One of the most common locations for a breast tumor is just underneath the nipple, which can cause changes in the appearance and feel of the nipple itself. And nipple changes are often the giveaway for men with breast cancer. You may notice that one of your nipples sticks up less than it used to. It may even appear uncharacteristically inverted or flattened. Many women also notice a decrease in sensitivity to touch, most likely to come to your attention -- or your partner's attention -- during sex. Another nipple change to take seriously is discharge when you're not breastfeeding, whether it's bloody, milky, or watery. The skin of the nipple may become crusty, scaly, or inflamed.

Why it happens: A tumor in the milk ducts, just behind the nipple or to one side, pushes the skin up around the nipple or pushes the nipple aside. As tumors grow, they may attach to -- and thus retract -- the skin or the nipple itself. The tumor may cause irritation and infection, leading to discharge.

4. A change in the shape or size of one breast

Contrary to popular belief, not all breast tumors cause a hard lump close enough to the surface to be noticeable. "Instead of feeling a lump, I noticed that one of my breasts was more oval than the other, hanging down lower and sort of sticking out to one side," says a California woman, who discovered she had breast cancer at the age of 42. The best way to spot these types of changes is to study the size and shape of your breasts in a mirror. Sit facing the mirror and look at both breasts dead-on, then raise your arms, turn sideways, and look from each side. Do both breasts look the same, or is there a difference in size or shape you haven't noticed before? Interestingly, some women spot this change when they notice that one side of their bra feels tighter. Or a partner may notice the difference during sex and bring it to your attention.

Why it happens: Tissue growth that's deeper in the breast or masked by dense breast tissue may push out the shape or size of the breast without causing a noticeable lump. If you've been told you have dense breast tissue, be particularly alert for this sign.

5. Pain, swelling, or a lump in your armpit

You know how the lymph nodes in your neck and throat can feel sore when you have the flu? The same thing happens to the lymph nodes in your armpit, because that's where breast cancer spreads first, by way of lymphatic fluid that drains from the breast. Affected lymph nodes may feel swollen or tender or develop a lump before a tumor is big enough to be felt in the breast itself. Any pain in the armpit area is a sign to check the area carefully with your fingers. A lump under the armpit is likely to be hard and attached to surrounding tissues, so it doesn't move when you touch it. Or tissue may feel thickened and dense compared with the armpit on the other side.

Why it happens: The lymph nodes in the armpit are the closest ones to the breast and can therefore be affected by lymphatic fluid that drains from the area. As breast cancer spreads, this is the first place it's like to metastasize, which is why breast cancer is staged according to whether it's lymph-node positive or negative.

9 Symptoms We Don't Worry About—But Should

  By : Paula Spencer Scott

           Yahoo Health


Symptoms to Check


Certain health warning signs are well known—like chest pain (heart attack), fever (infection), yellow eyes (jaundice), and irregular moles (skin cancer). But other concerning symptoms often get overlooked. Though they're common indicators of important health problems, people find them easier to dismiss or ignore.

"I find that many people feel too busy to have a seemingly minor complaint looked into," says San Francisco internist and geriatrician Leslie Kernisan, who is also's senior medical editor. "But a regular doctor's visit can often lay the issue to rest. With a little investigation, we can figure out whether there really is something to worry about, and, if so, treat."

Here are nine often-overlooked symptoms that warrant a medical checkup.


 Sleepy During the Day (for No Reason)



Stress or "burning the candle at both ends" (late to bed, early to rise) can leave anyone yawning midday. So can insomnia, where you awaken and just can't get back to sleep. But sleep deprivation for these reasons is different from the all-day-long fatigue -- even to the point of nodding off -- that you might feel even when you believe you had a decent night's sleep. It's especially concerning if feeling tired and unable to concentrate strikes you day after day, and you can't fathom why.

Could indicate: Sleep apnea. This sleep disorder occurs when the soft tissues at the back of the throat disrupt normal breathing patterns. Unable to get oxygen, the body struggles for breath and you wake up briefly -- perhaps not enough to notice, except that this pattern occurs over and over, for hours, affecting overall sleep.

What else to notice: You may also have sleep apnea if you snore, especially if the snoring is loud or uneven, or erupts in snorts, or if you awaken with a sore throat or headache. Anyone can develop sleep apnea, but being overweight puts you at higher risk.

Excessive Hair Growth (Women)


Both men and women have hair all over their bodies, including the face. But it typically grows in differing patterns. In a woman, it's unusual for coarse hairs to sprout on the face, chest, belly, or around the nipples. Some women who develop facial hair growth feel a need to shave several times a day.

Could indicate: Polycycstic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This hormonal imbalance isn't completely understood but is linked to changes in the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and especially androgen (a male hormone). The ovaries fail to release eggs and instead form small ovarian cysts. Infertility can result. As many as one in 10 to one in 20 American women are thought to have it, according to government data.

What else to notice: Other male-like PCOS symptoms include weight gain, decreased breast size, an enlarged clitoris, thinning hair or even balding, and a deepening voice. A hallmark symptom is irregular periods or the loss of periods after they'd begun during puberty. Acne may also worsen. Women with PCOS often also have diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and are overweight.



Friday, September 28, 2012

Free Network Marketing Training

The Internet is flooded with gurus selling ‘secrets,’  magic systems and self appointed experts who take turns promoting one another.  What a joke.  I know that junk doesn’t work and deep down inside so do you.  

We got sick and tired of seeing people toss hard earned money and hope down the drain.

The cost for these networking marketing skills is zero.  While we can’t stop people who misplace common sense from hurting themselves, we can offer an alternative that works. 

Make no mistake about it, the skills offered work but they require you learn, practice and apply them.  Skill is the by-product of repetition.  No excuses, we gotta do the work.
We believe you’ll find value in them, learn something quickly that actually gets results and share them with your team.

Lots and informations, videos, free reading materials are available in the internet nowadays, you don't have to pay for it, all you have to do is search for the best that will fit you, put it into practice and you'll find it easy sponsoring when you are equipped with those trainings.

Some of the videos of the best and true guru in the industry Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, he's the only guy I follow who actually teaches how to make money. His tips and tricks are flooding on youtube available for us as Training Resources.

Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an investor, businessman, self-aid writer, motivational speaker and inventor. Kiyosaki is greatest recognized for his Rich Dad, Very poor Dad sequence of motivational guides and other material. He has written fifteen books which have blended product sales of more than 26 million copies.[one] Though starting as a self-publisher, he was subsequently printed by Warner Textbooks, a division of Hachette Guide Group USA, currently his new textbooks seem under the Prosperous Dad Press imprint. 3 of his publications, Wealthy Dad Very poor Dad, Prosperous Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant, and Abundant Dad's Guide to Investing, have been on the leading ten very best-seller lists simultaneously on The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Occasions. The guide Wealthy Child Sensible Child was published in 2001, with the intent to assist mothers and fathers educate their children financial ideas. He has designed three "Cashflow" board and software games for adults and children and has a series of "Abundant Dad" audio cassettes and disks. He also publishes a monthly newsletter.

Are you selling the WRONG business opportunity?

Here’s a little question to think about.
Are you selling the WRONG business opportunity?
What’s the first thought that just popped into your mind?
For most people I bet it’s either their company or their products.
And how “GOOD” they are. How they help people do _____.
And how incredible their “system” is… the override structure, the “unique” builder bonuses, etc….
After all isn’t that why you decided to join the business you’re in… because of how unique this company is and how different this particular opportunity is?
That’s what most people sell and…
It’s EXACTLY Why Most Are Struggling To
Sponsor A Large Number Of People
See, this is what the company wants you to sell… but that is NOT what gets people really excited.
And I can GUARANTEE that you joined your business for a much different reason.
Oh sure it’s important to feel good about what you do, and I’m certain you believe 100% in the opportunity…
… BUT those are the supporting reasons behind your decision.
The REAL reason behind why you do what you do… and it’s the same reason why others will join you… which is actually the same reason EVERYONE buys anything
… it’s to make themselves feel BETTER about themselves.
Every buying decision (and recruiting someone is a sales process… they need to BUY INTO what you do)… is an emotional one.
We can come up with dozens of reasons WHY people buy… but if we boil it all down to one thing, it’s to…
The house we live in, the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the TV in your house, the furniture, the color of paint you chose for your walls… EVERYTHING has an emotional reason attached to it.
So knowing this let’s back up and think when talking to someone about your business… is it the “life changing” product or a “unique” compensation plan or the vision of a founder is what REALLY gonna get someone to move?
What will get them to move are their own selfish reasons.
Here are 7 motivators we ALL have, in no particular order:
1. Money
2. Security
3. Recognition
4. Achievement
5. Love of Family
6. Acceptance of Others
7. Self-Acceptance
They’re running automatically in the background and WHEN we make buying decisions it’s for one or more of these reasons.
Now they all can be tied back to making us feel good about ourselves.
When you’re loved by your family… accepted by others… have money… recognized or appreciated…. all of it makes us feel good, right?
So when others are considering joining your business and you speak to them about things which do not satisfy these… things that are IMPORTANT TO THEM… you have NO CHANCE of getting them to join.
And as I found out… if all you talk to them about is money… you may temporarily appeal to their GREED, but it won’t last unless you can grab them emotionally with their REAL reason(s).
But… when they can see themselves getting what THEY want as a result of associating with you… that’s when you got them.
Which is why it’s important to ask questions, and pay close attention to what they tell you.
People will usually tell you what they need for you to recruit them.
A good question to ask people, and it’s a general one, but it does wonders in terms of digging DEEP to discover their REAL MOTIVATOR, and it’s….
What’s Important To You?
When they indicate they want to make more money, pretty
 much everyone says that… you have to find out WHY it’s 
important to them to make more money.

Think about it, if they really wanted to make more money, if that was their only motivator… then why haven’t they gotten it yet?

I think often people don’t really know what they want… so they say they want bigger house, car, more money… but it’s really what all these things will do for them… how they will make them feel.

I can tell you a lot of the leaders in Network Marketing are driven by praise and recognition.
Sure we all want more money… but I’m telling you people will do incredible things to get recognized and feel appreciated.
We all crave that.
Being someone their kids would be proud of… having lots of security… these things drive us and when you can appeal to them in your recruiting… it’ll dwarf anything else and will become the dominant reason people will flock to YOU and join YOU.
And a little change in your approach to focus on THEM…